Category Uncategorized

Jump Start Your Car. Time to Learn.

It is important to know how to jump start your car. Before we get started, you’ll need a few things… Necessary Jump Start Supplies: Jumper Cables Mechanic Gloves Flashlight Paper Coveralls Owner’s Manual You will need to find someone with…

A Holiday Budget and How to Stick to One


You’re ahead of the budget if you’ve already planned out this year’s gifts. However, when it comes to staying on track, it can seem like the world is working against you with holiday deals and seasonal sales. Here are some…

Homeowners Insurance Questions? Listen up!

homeowners insurance

What is the biggest misconception about homeowners insurance to value? The biggest mistake people make with homeowners insurance is insuring their home based on market value. Wrong! You should insure your home based on reconstruction cost. Reconstruction cost is the…

How to Organize the Garage.

The garage is where we toss everything that doesn’t have a place in the house. If you find yourself using your garage as a receptacle, it’s likely that you haven’t resolved all your organizing challenges within the home-and that your…

E-Scooters. Are they Insurable?


Birds and Lime scooters are the new popular mobility option. However, e-scooters cause head injuries, traffic accidents and even deaths. You need to be careful! Also, consider what you owe if you get into an accident. The Problem with Insuring…

Insurance and How it Applies to College.


Insurance is a boring topic at first glance. However, it is interesting when applied to the things you care about. For example, how do you use insurance to better your college experience? There are quite a few ways… Homeowners Homeowners…

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